منتديات صحبة نتpower_settings_new دخولaccount_box التسجيل
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المواضيع الأخيرة

  1. مشكلة سقوط مسمار زراعة الأسنان: أسباب وحلول شاملةpersonتوتا
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أفضل الأعضاء فى الشهر


أفضل الأعضاء فى الإسبوع

2 مشترك

descriptionتحميل أحدث إصدارات الأوفيس Microsoft Office 2016 Preview   بحجم 2.8 جيجا مع مفتاح التفعيل Emptyتحميل أحدث إصدارات الأوفيس Microsoft Office 2016 Preview بحجم 2.8 جيجا مع مفتاح التفعيل

تحميل أحدث إصدارات الأوفيس Microsoft Office 2016 Preview   بحجم 2.8 جيجا مع مفتاح التفعيل UsiEt5t

Microsoft Office 2016

Preview Build 16.0.4229.1020
Leaked x86 & x64

تحميل أحدث إصدارات الأوفيس Microsoft Office 2016 Preview   بحجم 2.8 جيجا مع مفتاح التفعيل PvWzndx

لتحميل التفعيل من هنا

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بيانات الأصدار

Microsoft Office 2016

Microsoft Office 2016 well demonstrates how today has changed the approach to create documents and work with them. Many of us are beginning to work on the same computer, it continues on the other, as demonstrated in the third, simultaneously managing to make minor changes for laptop, tablet or smartphone. Therefore, Office 2016 tried to make conceptually different. Almost all of the key elements in it have been developed from scratch, and applications oriented to a single style of work, regardless of the hardware platform. They are designed to provide the usual functional on any device, automatically adjusting its interface to the parameters of the current screen and the available system resources.
What’s New ?

Already available in OneNote and Window, math input control is now available in Word, Excel and PowerPoint. You can write math equations with a digital pen, a pointing device, or even your finger, and have the ink converted to a “typed” format.​

This feature simplifies resolving conflicts when coauthoring. You can choose between two versions of the conflicting slides, your changes or others’ changes, instead of sifting through the individual conflicts.​

This feature increases the number of default shape styles by introducing new “preset” styles in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.​

We’ve improved the timeline view in Microsoft Project so you can now have multiple timeline bars in a single view and you can set the date range for timeline bars so they can just represent a specific phase of your project. To try this out, click on the timeline and then go to the Format tab. Note the new Date Rage and Insert Timeline Bar commands.​

Visio diagramming can be intimidating for someone who is new to Visio and not used to the rich set of tools offered. The Getting Started experience now makes the Visio canvas more inviting by providing a select set of pre-crafted starter diagrams which will help the users in some of the very core scenarios for that template. In addition, there are some tips provided with the diagram which help the users in editing and completing their diagram creation experience. Using Visio is easier than ever.​

The preview has higher DPI support for 250% and 300% so that your Office documents look great on larger screens.​

No more waiting while large charts and SmartArt diagrams load as the text will appear right away, allowing you to dive right in and start editing. A placeholder for the chart or SmartArt will be displayed until the object fully renders but you can still interact with the document.​

We’ve changed the default Office theme to align with the visuals of our modern apps. The default theme is now “Colorful” (previously, the default theme was “White”). You can always change your theme by going to File > Account > Office Theme.​

Now, with automatic image rotation, once you insert an image into the apps, it automatically rotates the picture to match the camera’s orientation. You can manually rotate the image to any position after insertion. Note that this only affects newly inserted images and does not apply to pictures in existing documents.​

The Building Plan and Electrical stencils have been refreshed with new shapes so you have more variety to choose from.​

Open up an Excel workbook within SharePoint quickly in read-only mode to quickly get to what matters most.​

This new theme is designed to provide users with visual impairments who find overly bright displays unusable in Office 2013, with a more visually subtle background to work with in the apps. Dark theme also includes improvements to Word’s navigation pane (better readability, fixed white flashes) and several Outlook readability fixes (white text on light background, dark text on dark background, disabled text being unreadable). The contextual ribbon tab text, hover states and task pane controls have also been improved.​

New chart types​

Quick data linking in Visio​

And Many More

How To Install

Download and Extract The Archive File From The Links Given Below​

Run “O16Setup.exe”​

Choose edition (x64 or x86)​

Click Install Office Button & Wait Till It Installs​

Open Any Office Product (e.g. MS Word), Wait till some popup windows appear​

Cancel Popup to sign in and Activate​

Close Office and Visit Crack Page Given Below​

Follow Steps Given on That Page​

Done, Enjoy

تحميل أحدث إصدارات الأوفيس Microsoft Office 2016 Preview   بحجم 2.8 جيجا مع مفتاح التفعيل HWaCHRM

تحميل أحدث إصدارات الأوفيس Microsoft Office 2016 Preview   بحجم 2.8 جيجا مع مفتاح التفعيل Y5Bw0SM

تحميل أحدث إصدارات الأوفيس Microsoft Office 2016 Preview   بحجم 2.8 جيجا مع مفتاح التفعيل BqKGo7B


One Link

500MB Links

تحميل أحدث إصدارات الأوفيس Microsoft Office 2016 Preview   بحجم 2.8 جيجا مع مفتاح التفعيل UxczJA5

توقيع : Mostafa Mahmoud

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[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

descriptionتحميل أحدث إصدارات الأوفيس Microsoft Office 2016 Preview   بحجم 2.8 جيجا مع مفتاح التفعيل Emptyرد: تحميل أحدث إصدارات الأوفيس Microsoft Office 2016 Preview بحجم 2.8 جيجا مع مفتاح التفعيل

very good tool

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